Thursday 5 November 2009

Analysing DVD Cover Two

This movie poster clearly reflects the genre of thriller. The only colours used on the whole poster are black, white and red. These colours together signify danger and fear. Also the effects on the word "house" depict it as blood splattered which can make the audience question what happened and whose blood it is. Significance of the house is also shown as the only object highlighted is the house and it is the only word in a different colour in the title. This leads the audience to question why the house is so important. The tag-line of the movie is:

"If bad people hurt someone you love, how far would you go to hurt them back?"

This allows the audience to guess what the "bad people" did and make links into the movie with what might happen. This question is also questioning the audience directly and challenges them to say what they would do if they were in the characters positions.