Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Analysing DVD Cover Seven

The main focus of the cover is the characters. The woman's face stands out as its very pale with bright red lipstick on. The blood dripping down from her mouth leads the audience to believe that she is the victim. The other characters are all placed behind her, which could denote the meaning that they were behind her death or that they are all linked to her and that she is the main focus in the film.

All the characters shows different emotions on their faces. Josh Hartnett comes across as looking worried and anxious, Aaron Eckhart makes it look like he is sure of something and looks in charge of things whereas the two actresses look like they both have something to hide, making the audience question if they were involved. Questions that may arise from the audience could be who is the woman, why is she dead and how did she die.
The colours used in the title fade from red to black. This may be done intentionally as the blood from the woman's mouth drip down to the title.